Worldwide Pinhole Day: 5 amazing cameras… plus inspiring tips!

Worldwide Pinhole Day is just around the corner and, as regular readers of my blog will already know, I love pinhole photography!

So, following on from my earlier post Discover the wonders of pinhole photography, here’s a great article from Photojojo to inspire you further… enjoy!

Every year, a strange and wonderful phenomenon takes place. *Every* object around you transforms into a camera.

No kidding. One time, we saw a refrigerator take a picture of an egg. Then the egg snapped a picture of a bell pepper. Before the bell pepper could take a picture, someone ate it!

Let Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day redefine your idea of what a camera can be. It’s happening this year on April 29th!

From your own fist to a Saltine cracker, we’ve rounded up astounding pinhole cameras with tips for your own camera creations.

5 Incredible Pinhole Cameras

Turn Your Fist into a Camera

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Discover the wonders of pinhole photography

Wishing Trees pinhole image

The Wishing Trees
image ⓒ SWS

I love pinhole photography – it’s easy and such fun!

In fact, the above photograph’s one of my first attempts with a pinhole camera… but what exactly is a pinhole camera, you may ask?

A pinhole camera is a camera without a conventional glass lens. Instead, an extremely small hole in a thin material is used to focus light rays from an object onto light-sensitive paper or film.

The shutter of a pinhole camera usually consists of a manually-operated flap that covers the pinhole. There’s no viewfinder, and the ideal exposure is a bit of an experiemental guessing game – just part of what makes pinhole photography such fun!

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